In Their Own Words
Like many of us, faculty, clinicians and students seek strategies to cope
in times of crisis, including through poetry. Following are our selections sent in response to the prompt: write a COVID-19 haiku.
Went to buy some food
Cannot see anyone’s face
Still got to make sweets
- Rosy Ix (BSN `21)
Work from home? Now? How?
Miss office space, colleagues’ face
Boomer learning Zoom
- Anita Thompson-Heisterman, assistant professor of nursing
A quarantine day
Eat, work, walk, sleep and repeat
Again tomorrow
- Sarah Franklin (BSN `21)
Scary times right now
with more bad news everyday
but there is still hope
- Natalie Presnell (BSN `21)
Take out or drive thru
No, you may not come inside
Social distancing
- Sydney Ransom (BSN `21)
Washing hands again
So tired of "Happy Birthday"
Let’s try the Ramones
- Leslie Blackhall, MD, palliative care clinician, UVA Health
So few certainties
but December births, divorce?
not death and taxes
- Robert Powers, MD, department of emergency medicine, UVA Health