Like many of us, faculty, clinicians and students seek strategies to cope

in times of crisis, including through poetry. Following are our selections sent in response to the prompt: write a COVID-19 haiku.

Went to buy some food
Cannot see anyone’s face
Still got to make sweets

  • Rosy Ix (BSN `21)

Work from home? Now? How?
Miss office space, colleagues’ face
Boomer learning Zoom

  • Anita Thompson-Heisterman, assistant professor of nursing

This spring of COVID We’re not buried in darkness We are seeds, planted

Natalie May, assistant professor of nursing

A quarantine day
Eat, work, walk, sleep and repeat
Again tomorrow

- Sarah Franklin (BSN `21)

Scary times right now
with more bad news everyday
but there is still hope

- Natalie Presnell (BSN `21)

Take out or drive thru
No, you may not come inside
Social distancing

- Sydney Ransom (BSN `21)

Washing hands again
So tired of "Happy Birthday"
Let’s try the Ramones

- Leslie Blackhall, MD, palliative care clinician, UVA Health

So few certainties
but December births, divorce?
not death and taxes

- Robert Powers, MD, department of emergency medicine, UVA Health